Youth Program

Our Youth Program consist of the groups below. Here is brief summary of each group, you’ll find more about each group in the drop down Youth Group tab above. Hover over the category to see what these areas have to offer then click on each one to learn more. Please consult the bulletin or Facebook for the most current schedule.

High School Youth Group – Our High School Group meets as a Bible Study meeting weekly at Resurrection Parish on Tuesdays 6:30-8 pm. A recent topic was on the Saints.

Middle School Youth Group – Our Middle School Group meets at Resurrection Parish on Wednesday 6:30-8 pm. The evening usually involves snacks, games, as well as a lesson. A recent series was Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike Schmitz.

Combined (HS & MS) Youth GroupUpper Room gathers twice a month at Resurrection Parish 5-7 pm on select Sundays of the year. It usually consists of food, games, and a lesson led by the youth leaders from Damascus Youth Camp. A recent lesson was a series about discerning your vocation.

Steubenville Youth Conference – Our high school youth has the opportunity to attend an overnight summer youth conference at Steubenville University.

Vacation Bible School – Held each summer for our little parishioners and community members.